About me

Hello! My name is Jiayang Bao, feel free to call me by my preferred name Bella. I'm a fourth-year Bioinformatics major student proudly studying at UC San Diego with its Bioinformatics Undergraduate Program ranked #1 in US News Ranking. My research interest are genetic risk prediction, cancer genomics, drug developments, and precision medicine. I also have great interest in software development and machine learning. I have great passion in teaching as well with Teaching Assistant experience for over a year at UC San Diego Biological Science department.

  • Birthday: 01 January 2001
  • Phone: +1 510-513-2529
  • City: San Diego, CA
  • Email: j1bao@ucsd.edu









BWA aligner

About Meow

Hello! Our names are Coffee (left) and Pudding (right). We are adopted by Bella and Scott from San Diego humane society, proudly living in Bella's apartment for free with food and treats available all day. Our interst are biting the paper boxes, digging trash can, walking in kitchen and having an argument with birds outside.

  • Birthday: 04 May 2022
  • Phone: +1 510-513-MEOW
  • City: San Diego, CA
  • Email: pudding@ucsd.edu






AIOnco, Inc (Avellino Lab USA, Inc)

Menlo Park, CA

Jul 2022 – Present

Data Scientist

  • Directed bioinformatics analysis pipelines for the interpretation of genomic and phenotype information, including biomarkers for TCGA cancer prediction
  • Worked on additional pipelines for medical records and environmental information
  • Input processing for feature selection to Software Engineers for the prediction of different types of cancer
  • Analyzed academic and industry papers to identify potential inputs to the AI platform

Warshel Institute for Computational Biology

Shenzhen, China

Jul 2021 – Sep 2021

Software Developer

  • Revamped a full stack data updating system for miRTarBase database, a curated database of MicroRNA-Target Interactions
  • Implemented Clinical microRNA and gene expression profile sections in miRTarBase
  • Surveyed 300+ pertinent literatures, input 100+ microRNA-target interactions into the database

Triple C at UCSD

La Jolla, CA

Jun 2020 – Jun 2022

Vice President

  • Led TripleC (Chinese Computer Community), one of the largest student incubator organizations in UCSD with 100+ members and 15+ CS/DS projects
  • Organized the coding contest, product demo day, recruiting events, and general body meetings
  • Collaborated with professors, advisors, and the board team to acquire academic, industrial, and industrial connection resources for each project